Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Negotiation Strategies In International Business Commerce Essay
China and the lowest pay permitted by law - Research Paper Example The 1994 work act indicates that work done after the ordinary standard working time will be paid as additional time. The extra time, be that as it may, ought not surpass three hours in a solitary day (Chiewping, 2009). Wages ought to be paid to laborers on a month to month premise and in a legitimate delicate. Compensation derivation and late installment of laborers is solidly precluded. The work law on article 48 determines that the legal the lowest pay permitted by law ought to be sufficiently adequate to support the necessities of the worker. In March 2004, the service of government disability and work in China executed the lowest pay permitted by law regulation. The guidelines were created to set up a structure for modifying and ascertaining the lowest pay permitted by law (Zhao, 2010). The rules expressed that the administration ought to change and decide the cyclic the lowest pay permitted by law for full time workers by thinking about the accompanying components: A broad assortment of the lowest pay permitted by law levels exists over the entire nation since neighborhood conditions decide the figurings. Waterfront districts are described by high least wages because of their financial quality. The western areas along with the focal locales then again are portrayed by low least wages. While trying to draw in transient work power, governments in remote areas, for example, Xinjiang and Tibet have set up high least wages levels. On May 2013, Shanghai recorded the most noteworthy month to month wage level with Shenzhen intently following behind. Anhui district situated in the focal area recorded the least the lowest pay permitted by law (Chiewping, 2009). Guidelines support that 40 to 60% of the normal month to month compensation ought to be set as the lowest pay permitted by law. Nearby governments ought to likewise set out on the undertaking of completing an alteration audit consistently. In the universal monetary emergency in 2008, be that as it may, the legislature solidified all the increments made on least wages (Yongnian, 2013). In
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Physical Activity and Gain in Abdominal Adiposity
Question: Talk about the Physical Activity and Gain in Abdominal Adiposity. Answer: Presentation Grown-up weight in Victoria has expanded by roughly 40% throughout the most recent two decades and right now there are in excess of 2,000,000 corpulent individuals (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2013f). Except if intercessions at the populace level are acquainted with lessen stoutness, future may decay which may bring about an inversion where youth will have shorter lives than what their folks had (American Heart Association, 2016). In this report the predominance of corpulence in Shire committee will be broke down. The predominance of corpulence in men will be talked about with the principle factors that have added to stoutness deconstructed as being low salary status and emotional well-being. An icy mass model is utilized in depicting the contributory variables and the means taken by the gathering to turn around the circumstance. The Victorian general wellbeing and prosperity plan 20152019 Platform of Change on People Centered Approach has been proposed for enduring change in the Hindmarsh committee. Stoutness or overweight as characterized by the World Health Organization is the inordinate or strange collection of fat that impedes one's health.(World Health Organization, 2016).The exorbitant and anomalous aggregation of fat emerges from vitality awkwardness that is supported over an extensive stretch of time when there is extreme vitality admission through drinking and eating contrasted with exhausting of vitality through physical movement. Being fat or overweight builds one's danger of getting constant ailment, for example, CVD including stroke and coronary illness, musculoskeletal conditions, type 2diabetes, some psychological wellness and malignancy conditions. The danger of mortality likewise increments as weight builds (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2016) WHO characterizes grown-up overweight and heftiness as BMI equivalent or more noteworthy than 25 and 30 separately. For youngsters under 5 years, the weight-for-stature with standard deviation of 2 and 3 over the Growth Standard Median set by WHO is considered as overweight and fat separately. For kids somewhere in the range of 5 and 19 years, the SD is set at 1 and 2 for overweight and stoutness separately (WHO, 2016). Ongoing worldwide assessments made by WHO on overweight and heftiness uncover that in 2014, the complete number of overweight grown-ups matured 18 or more was 1.9 billion of whom 600 million were hefty. Around the same time, roughly 1% of the worldwide populace was corpulent (15% of ladies and 11% of men). 3% Of the populace was overweight in 2014 (40% of ladies and 38% of men). The pervasiveness of corpulence multiplied over a time of 34 years in 2014. 41 million youngsters underneath 5years were large or overweight. Further, stoutness and overweigh has been on the ascent in center and low pay nations and all the more so in the urban settings(WHO,2016). The quantity of stout and overweight youngsters in 2014 in Africa was around 10.8 million which was twofold the number in 1990 while in Asia near half of kids underneath 5 years were large or overweight. Moreover, death rates because of stoutness and overweight are higher than those because of underweight. There are more individuals on the planet that are hefty than those that are underweight with the exception of in Asia and Sub Sahara Africa (WHO, 2016). In 20142015, the report by Australian Bureau of Statistics showed that roughly 63% of grown-ups (11.2 million) were stout or overweight-those that were overweight were around 63% (6.3 million) while 28% (4.9 million) were large. 27% of youngsters matured somewhere in the range of 5 and 17 years were corpulent or overweight which implies 1 in each 4 kids (1milllion kids) (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2015). Men had a higher level of corpulence and overweight at 71% contrast with ladies who were at 56%. The p matured between 65-74 years recorded at 74% (AIHW, 2016). People living in high financial territories had a lower pervasiveness contrasted with those in lower financial zones (58% and 66% individually). Indigenous grown-ups had high weight and overweigh predominance in contrast with non Indigenous in 2011 to 2013(43% and 27% separately) (AIHW, 2016). Overweight and corpulence inclines in Victoria The level of grown-up people that were corpulent or overweight was 63% in 2014-2015, an ascent from 56% in 1995. The expansion of normal weight was at 4.4kgs for guys and females. The BMI has seen a move in circulation with lesser quantities of individuals in the overweight and typical classifications and more individuals presently in the large classification (AIHW, 2016). The most recent two decades has seen grown-up hefty and overweight predominance increment by roughly 40% with in excess of 2,000,000 individuals as of now stout or overweight (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2013b). 10.5% of the nation's weight of ailment is a result of dangers that are dietary in nature with 8.5% credited to high BMI and 4.6% because of physical latency (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, 2013). Dietary dangers have additionally added to Australia's diabetes and coronary illness at 22% and 79% separately. Of these, 33% and 71% of coronary illness and diabetes trouble separately are ascribed to high BMI (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, 2013). Optional nourishments represent 39% of the all out vitality consumption in kids with 12% of kids living in Victoria expending adequate vegetables and 75% devouring adequate measures of organic product (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2014a). 24% of youngsters in Victoria are stout or overweight with 6% and 18% being hefty and overweight separately (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2013c). Of the kids matured between 5-12 years, 62% meet the adequate physical action guidelines(Department of Education and Training 2015b), while just 26% of Year 11, 8, and 5 youngsters meet the said rules (Department of Education and Training 2015a). Optional nourishments make for 35% of grown-ups' complete vitality admission with 7% of grown-ups devouring adequate measures of vegetables and another 47% expending adequate measure of natural product (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2015). The grown-up populace that is hefty or overweight is 61% with 26% and 35% being corpulent and overweight separately (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2013c). Grown-ups that met the adequate physical movement rules were 64% (Department of Health 2014c). Hindmarsh Shire Council From the table above (Hindmarsh MPHWP, 2013, p.12), it very well may be seen that the quantity of overweight and stout men in Shire gathering is at disturbing rates. The all out number of male corpulent populace surpasses that of Victoria by an edge of 3.7%. A worldwide patterns overview uncovered that weight was the second reason for sudden passing in Europe in the wake of smoking. The investigation additionally uncovered that men who were overweight had a higher probability of passing on rashly contrasted with ladies who were overweight (BBC News, 2016). The above tables(Hindmarsh MPHWP, 2013, p.11) demonstrate the financial condition of the individuals of Shire gathering. The populace procures lesser salary per individual and family in contrast with Victoria. The low salary status is a contributory factor to stoutness pervasiveness among the grown-ups and all the more so the guys in Shire chamber. How neediness adds to corpulence Low pay family units have a constrained decision and food spending plan and frequently, they stretch their provisions to arrive at the month's end when the following check will be in. This outcomes in practices that are undesirable in various ways(Lee, Harris, Larsen, 2009, p.505). Families will select to buy nourishments that are high in fat and vitality thick, for example, prepared meats potatoes, grains, and sugars in light of the fact that these food sources last more and are more reasonable than fish, lean meats, and new fruits(Lee,et al., 2009, p.505). At last, monetary uncertainty, for example, battling to take care of lease and utilities tabs lead to pressure and the most widely recognized method of managing pressure is through eating sweet, high fat nourishments (Lee,et al., 2009, p.505) Other contributory elements (other than low income)to corpulence among men in Shire committee include: Mental Health: This can be named an essential driver as found in the ice sheet model. Individuals with despondencies or uneasiness issue or discouragement frequently will in general arrangement with their negative sentiments by eating nourishments high in calories (Diamond, 2010). Stationary way of life and physical dormancy: These can be named an auxiliary reason as found in the chunk of ice model above. Physical action is identified with numerous medical advantages (Strasser, 2013, p.141) including limiting the odds of building up various constant ailments, for example, corpulence (Ekelund, Besson, Luan et al., 2011, p.826),metabolic condition (MS)( Hahn, Halle, Schmidt et al., 2009, p.511),and malignancy (Friedenreich, Neilson, Lynch, 2010, p. 2593). Less than stellar eating routine low foods grown from the ground admission: Studies have indicated that expanded utilization of veg etables and natural product in mix with different practices decreases adiposity among grown-ups that are corpulent or overweight (Ledoux, Hingle, Baranowski., 2011, p. 143). Explicit Strategy in Shire committee This will remember raising a mindfulness for more advantageous decisions of food (through internet based life) that are accessible in the network. Individuals' information on sound food arrangement will be expanded and solid supper alternatives will be conveyed through Meals on Wheels. Schools will be urged to utilize their projects and normal classes to advance solid eating(Hindmarsh MPHWP, 2013, p.16). Advancement by means of web based life and pamphlets of physical exercises offered inside Shire. Creating and improving existing and new recreational projects and exercises. Making of situations that support commitment in physical activity(Hindmarsh MPHWP, 2013, p.17). Give directing meetings that are youth centered for guardians and understudies. Offer help for Wimmera Uniting Cares Rural and Remote Engagement Officer. Backing and advancement of Men's shed as a gathering place for men inside Shire. Offer directing and backing for helping hardship from dry spell/flood/fire as
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Reducing Stress With Diaphragmatic Breathing
Reducing Stress With Diaphragmatic Breathing PTSD Coping Print Reducing Stress With Diaphragmatic Breathing By Matthew Tull, PhD twitter Matthew Tull, PhD is a professor of psychology at the University of Toledo, specializing in post-traumatic stress disorder. Learn about our editorial policy Matthew Tull, PhD Updated on October 10, 2019 Datacraft Co Ltd/Getty Images More in PTSD Coping Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Related Conditions PTSD and the Military You may have heard that deep breathing exercises can relieve stress. Unlike some stress-relieving techniques, solid research shows that breathing techniques are not only very effective in reducing stress in our lives, but they are remarkably easy to learn and use at any time. How to Breathe Properly It may sound strange, but many people actually dont breathe properly. Natural breathing involves your diaphragm, a large muscle in your abdomen. When you breathe in, your belly should expand. When you breathe out, your belly should fall. This is known as diaphragmatic breathing. Over time, people forget how to breathe this way and instead use their chest and shoulders, causing short and shallow breaths, which can increase your stress and anxiety. Diaphragmatic Breathing for Anxiety Instructions Fortunately, its never too late to relearn how to breathe and help protect yourself from stress. Practice this simple exercise to improve your diaphragmatic breathing: Find a comfortable position either lying on your back or sitting. If youre sitting down, make sure that you keep your back straight and release the tension in your shoulders by letting hem drop.Close your eyes. Alternatively, you can keep your eyes open (and eventually you likely will) but closing your eyes helps you to focus on the mechanics of breathing rather than outside stimuli.Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest.Take a few breaths as you normally would. Does your belly rise and fall with every breath in (inhalation) and every breath out (exhalation)? If you can answer yes, thats good. This is the natural way of breathing. If your belly stays still but your chest rises and falls with every breath, practice breathing by only allowing your belly to rise and fall when you breathe in and out.Continue to take deep breaths, concentrating on only moving your belly.Continue as long as you would like. Tips Keep these tips in mind when youre practicing diaphragmatic/deep breathing: It can take some time to relearn how to breathe. The more you practice, the easier it becomes. Take some time each day to practice this exercise. The nice thing is, you can do it anywhere.Try to practice at a time when youre already relaxed. This will make it easier to take deeper breaths.If youre having trouble taking deep breaths, try breathing in through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Also, slowly count to five in your head as you breathe in and out.In time and with practice you will get an idea about how long you need to practice deep breathing exercises to reduce stress. Early on it may be helpful to set a particular time limit, for example, three minutes if youre pressed for time. Keep in mind that its usually more effective to practice several shorter periods of deep breathing rather than single long episodes of deep breathing. Practicing more often also helps you incorporate deep breathing as a habit into your lifestyle. Other Stress Relief Techniques Once you become comfortable with deep breathing, you can add other stress-relieving techniques in a way that works for you, including: If you suffer from panic disorder or even panicky feelings, try advancing to a 3-part-breath for calming severe anxiety.Consider adding music therapy to your exercises.Consider adding in guided imagery.Add deep breathing to progressive muscle relaxation exercises.Try deep breathing as a part of Pilates. Stress Relief Techniques Benefits There are many benefits of breathing exercises that have been documented in studies, including reversing the stress response once it occurs, helping you to be less reactive in stressful situations, and aiding in physical processes such as sleep, pain control, and even digestion. Diaphragmatic breathing is so helpful that healthcare providers often prescribe it to PTSD patients to help reduce stress and regulate emotions. In fact, a new app for wearables has been developed called BreatheWell thats designed to help veterans and military service members with PTSD and/or brain injuries remember to do, and guide them through, breathing exercises. Adopting a Stress Management Lifestyle Deep breathing is just one method of reducing, or at least coping with, the stress in your life, but there are many stress management techniques that may help you live with more joy and less worry every day. Using a combination of these techniques is ideal, as some methods are more conducive than others in particular situations. Even better, make a stress management lifestyle a family affair. Try some of these stress-relieving practices that you can do with your children. 17 Highly Effective Stress Relievers
Friday, May 22, 2020
A Child s First Steps And Words - 1962 Words
A childââ¬â¢s first steps and words are really a milestone. When Vietnamese and Chinese children are able to say their names aloud and waddle away around the house independently, their parents draw up a road map that plans the future for their child: to play the violin, to learn another language, to attend Kumon, and to participate in a sport. A tiger mom, who lives in China, wrote to Epoch Times to defend herself, as people criticize the amount of pressure she exerts upon her child, however, she fires back with, ââ¬Å"To have an easier future, itââ¬â¢s better to have a tougher childhood,â⬠Mrs. Liu said. ââ¬ËMy father once said that learning is all that children should do! Otherwise, society will weed them outââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (Epoch Times). This idea that southeastern Asian parents retain from their home country, influences them to push their child in America. There will be endless boundaries that the parents set, from dating to the beauty standards of girls and many will question the necessity of it. Unlike white people, who encourage independence for their child, Asian parents believe in structure. Success in America is not handed to Asian Americans, so the child will be guided by her parentsââ¬â¢ voices, ââ¬Å"Why are you not doing homework? Youââ¬â¢re an A-sian, not a B-sian,â⬠or ââ¬Å"Average is nothing, you need be the best in order to do your best.â⬠On and on the comments continue, until the teenager hears it so much, she will quote her parents before they even finish. Although the parenting techniques ofShow MoreRelated Language Development: How Two Gorillas Learned to Talk Essay examples926 Words à |à 4 Pages Language development is a very special process. There are three steps in the development of the human language. There is phonological development, semantic development, and finally grammar development. I will explain to you what these steps consist of and how two gorillas learned language and who taught them. Phonological development is one of the first types of human language development. According to the text Essentials of Psychology. Phonological Development is the developmentRead MoreThe influence of the Absorbent Mind, and the Sensitive Periods on the childs development of movement, language and social skills.1448 Words à |à 6 Pagesinfluence of these periods on the child s development of movement, language and social skills. A child in his absorbent mind develops his movement, his language and social skills by soaking knowledge. He takes steps in different sensitive period and repeats his movements, words or social skill actions to improve and to perfect his movement, language and social skills. The Absorbent Mind: Dr. Maria Montessori uses the term Absorbent Mind to describe the child s mental capacity for soaking up knowledgeRead MoreThe Theorist That I Chose To Write About Is Jean Piaget.1294 Words à |à 6 Pagesstages of the developmental theory: the sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational period. Jean Piaget was born in Neuchà ¢tel (Switzerland) on August 9, 1896. He was the oldest child of Arthur Piaget and Rebecca Jackson. At age 11, when he was just a mere child at Neuchà ¢tel Latin high school, he wrote a short paper on an albino sparrow. This short notice is usually the start of an intelligent scientific career made of over 60 books and several hundred articles. AfterRead MoreField Research Paper Education During Infancy1516 Words à |à 7 Pagesread with a step-by-step process that provides simple clear words the child can read. Also, there are other marketed items that claim to increase cognitive development for an infant. 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Today, itââ¬â¢s becoming increasingly more complex as the field of digital technology rapidly expands, leaving parents in a tailspin. A Google search of ââ¬Å"kids and technology useâ⬠returns over five million results, all of which offer their own two cents about the ideal way to raise children in the digital world. How could anyone possibly navigate his or her way through that? What is one supposed to make of constantlyRead MoreVaccination Is A Weakened Form Of The Disease Germ1248 Words à |à 5 Pages(ASD) in children. Some parents have suggested that their children lost their social and communicative skills between 15 and 24 months of age. ââ¬Å"These losses can occur in a range of skills, from using eye contact and gestures to producing meaningful words to participating in reciprocal games like ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëpeek-a-boo.ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ â⬠(2) I believe that vaccinations do not cause ASD and that it is very important to get vaccinated. In 1998, Wakefield et al suggested that both regression (returning to a former or less developedRead MoreWhat Does A Good Parent Versus A Bad Parent?1495 Words à |à 6 Pagesto each step in the selected problem solving strategy. The scenario is a child has come home with a school project and he or she is excited and has begun to work on the assignment by starting research and collecting materials. The goal is to encourage the child to develop responsibility for his/her own learning. In the scenario it was also noticed that another parent in the store who had bought $30 worth of materials, taken the day off and was putting the project together for their child. In Einsteinââ¬â¢sRead More Lessons about Writing in the Works of Various Artists1469 Words à |à 6 Pagesimprove my writing skills and engage my reader better. The first thing that struck me as important is that the writing style must change to meet the different needs and demands of the individual reader. Linda Flower states in her essay, ?Writing for an Audience,? that ?a good piece of writing closes the gap between you and the reader? (156). Before I knew this, I tended to write for an audience of robots, while I now understand that my reader?s have unique faces and personalities of their own. In her
Friday, May 8, 2020
The, What Makes A Perfect Parent, Raises The Question Essay
Chapter 5 of Freakonomics, What Makes a Perfect Parent, raises the question, ââ¬Å"how much do parents really matter?â⬠This is a very interesting question with a number of different answers. Steven Levitt, the author, goes into great detail to answer this question. Right of the start, Levitt mentions, ââ¬Å"Clearly bad parenting matters a great dealâ⬠(Levitt, Dubner p.154). He uses the correlation between abortion and crime, making the argument that unwanted children will be worse off in life versus other children who are accepted into their parentsââ¬â¢ lives and loved. Levitt raises yet another question asking how influential are those loving and accepting parents on the outcome of their child. Interesting enough, genes are responsible for about fifty percent of a childââ¬â¢s characteristics and personality but what is responsible for the other fifty percent? Judith Harris, author of The Nature Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do, argued that peers are more influential on a child than parents are. Levitt challenges her position and mentions that parents are usually the ones responsible for deciding a childrenââ¬â¢s peers. For instance, parents are the ones who choose what neighborhood to live, where to send their child to school and strive to find their child the right friend group. Levitt examines school performance of children to measure certain components of a childââ¬â¢s outcome such as personality. He argues that education is at the inner most of a childââ¬â¢s development. In hisShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes a Good Parent1404 Words à |à 6 Pagesthe question ââ¬Å"What makes a good parentâ⬠is not easily obtainable. You should spend a lot of time in contemplation before reaching to it. And still there is no guarantee that finally you will get it. Since many people have different opinions on raising a child there may be thousands absolutely different answers to one and the same question, a rather tricky one, I would say. To tell you the truth, after I asked myself the same question, several things went through my mind. What kind of parent willRead MoreParenting Styles1525 Words à |à 7 Pagesthe other is 25, and now a grandfather as well. I have heard many people say things like: ââ¬Å"I raise my kids the way I my parents raised meâ⬠(while complaining about the things that their parentsââ¬â¢ did), ââ¬Å"I am doing the best that I canâ⬠(then learn to do better), and ââ¬Å"children should be seen and not heardâ⬠(This was my fatherââ¬â¢s favorite). Nobody seems to know the perfect way to raise children; is there a perfect way? When I did a Google search for the term ââ¬Å"parenting stylesâ⬠, I got over 52 million results;Read MoreChinese Mothers926 Words à |à 4 Pagessuperior Every parent wants to be proud of their children, to see them succeed in school, music, sports or whatever path they may choose. The professor and the author Amy Chua wrote the essay ââ¬Å"Why Chinese mothers are superiorâ⬠, where she tries to compare western parents to Chinese mothers and their different methods of raising children. Plenty of the people reading this essay may get the wrong idea and misunderstand, when Amy Chua tries to present Western parents as bad parents who donââ¬â¢t know howRead MoreThe Perfect Family Is Not Always The Case For Everyone Essay1045 Words à |à 5 Pageseveryone? When someone thinks of what a perfect family is, chances are it looks like a mother, father, and kids all living together. This ideal scenario is not always the case for everyone. There are many circumstances that people are placed in, which would limit them from being able to fit in this stereotypical connotation. A perfect family is normally defined as a group with two parents and their kids, but for anyone who has grown up missing a parent it is a parent or parents and their kids. If you wereRead MoreA Picture Perfect Baltimore Family Essay1401 Words à |à 6 PagesSaint Maybe is a story about a picture-perfect Baltimore family. The Bedloe family, the focus of the story, is far from being perfect. The family consist of parents Bee and Doug, Claudia, the oldest child, Danny the middle son and Ian the youngest. Danny marries Lucy, a divorcee with two children Agatha and Thomas. Lucy was pregnant before meeting Danny, so Dannyââ¬â¢s daughter Daphne, is someone elseââ¬â¢s baby. Danny may know Daphne is not his daughter, but ignores the fact. Ian, only 17 years old, suspectsRead MoreAdoption, Domestic And International Adoption Essay1611 Words à |à 7 PagesMunsie College Writting 12-14-16 Many people want to have their own children, but what are other options? Adoption gets helpless children out of the foster care system, but having their own child gives them a better connection. Three reasons why parents should adopt is because it helps get kids out of foster care, adopted families have all the same rights as families formed from birth, and adopting a child helps parents start a family if they canââ¬â¢t get pregnant. Although some people think that havingRead MoreIdeas of Parenting1121 Words à |à 5 Pagesoften harsh parenting style contributed to the success of her daughters. Chinese parents believe that if their children are successful, it is a reflection of the parents. Hanna Rosin, a contributing editor for the Atlantic, has very different views from Ms. Chua about the correct parenting style. Ms. Rosin believes that the more relaxed, nurturing, and self-led style of Western parenting is the better way to raise children. She believes that placing your c hildren under immense pressure can produceRead MoreWhat Makes You The Person You Are? Essay1093 Words à |à 5 Pages What makes you the person you are? Starting with biologically, when we are born we have a sex female or male. Socialization helps create the person you will be. Your family starts to raise you through their beliefs. The peers come along and help you become the person you are without your parents. Then media comes and influences you to other cultures and beliefs. This is when family socialization begins, based on the sex parents start giving gender roles. When you find out someone is pregnant theRead MoreFreakonomics Essay1424 Words à |à 6 PagesThe book Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, is designed to pose fundamental questions concerning economics using a variety of imaginative comparisons and questions. Examples of these comparisons and questions can be seen in the list of contents, with chapter titles such as ââ¬Å"How is the Ku Klux Klan like a group of real-estate agents?â⬠and ââ¬Å"Why do drug dealers still live with their moms?â⬠Not everyone is interested in economics, but with titles that grab attention, it is almostRead MoreSame Sex Adoption Is Controversial1443 Words à |à 6 Pagesbe the parent of a foster child, it is difficult to understand why the topic of gay adoption is controversial. Yes, there can be a bad outcome but there can also be a very good outcome of these kinds of adoptions. The LGBT Adoption situation can be fixed by allowing any adult or parent to adopt a child if they have the right living environment or the knowledge and skills that it takes to raise a kid in the proper way. But social workers have reservations on considering gay adoptive parents because
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Useful Proverbs Free Essays
A bad workman blames his tools. * Something that you say when someone blames the objects they are using for their own mistakes. It is not the tools we use which make us good, but rather how we employ them. We will write a custom essay sample on Useful Proverbs or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2. If a job is worth doing, itââ¬â¢s worth doing well. * There is a lot of emphasis on getting things right 3. Make hay while the sun still shines. * To take an opportunity to do something when the time and conditions are near perfect or available. * To do something while you have the time to do it. Act while conditions are favorable 4. Many hands make light work. * This idiom means that when everyone gets involved in something, the work gets done quickly. 5. Too many cooks spoil the broth. * This means that where there are too many people trying to do something, they end up making a mess of it. * Too many persons involved in managing an activity can ruin it. 6. Early to bed and early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy and wise. 7. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 8. The devil makes work for idle hands. * If a person is not busy he will do evil things. Protestants believe children should be busy because the devil makes work for idle hands. 9. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. * Hard work without time for recreation is not good for oneââ¬â¢s health 10. The early bird catches the worm. * It means that if you start something early, you stand a better chance of success. You know the saying, As the old saying goes, It literally means that worth=worthy of How to cite Useful Proverbs, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Boxer Rebellion Essays - Qing Dynasty, China, Boxer Rebellion
The Boxer Rebellion The Boxer Uprising China during the late nineteenth century was in turmoil from external and internal forces. The underlining internal pressures were exacerbated by the thrust of western imperialism and exploitation. Imperialism and the west were the catalyst for the Boxer Uprising. The ingredients of descent and conflict were always present in the late nineteenth century. China had its difficulties without the west's intrusion. The Boxer Uprising was a reaction against the West, not a rebellion against the Qing Dynasty. The Boxer uprising differs from Taping rebellion in that regard. In this essay, I will illustrate the slow incremental effects of the Imperialist powers on China. This process gives insight into the origins of the Boxer Uprising. I will also argue, that the way the Chinese government choose to deal with the West compounded its problems. There were major decisions which led to the Boxer Uprising and the demise of an empire. The first decision between gunboat and appeasement in dealing with the west. The second decision was between Chinese culture and western studies. The third major decision between managing western powers and ignoring them. The Chinese leadership made key decisions which led to the ultimate demise of Imperial China. So I will look at the impact of outside influence on China and how China reacted to the pressure. Finally, I will look at the impact of the Boxer Uprising. China's first major change in policy with regard to the west was set with the Portuguese. The Portuguese first attempted to trade with China, there was an awful precedent that the rest of the West would follow. The Portuguese used force to get what they wanted with regard to trade, port access, and settlement. The Portuguese were considered like bandits, but the Chinese allowed for them to trade and eventually settle. The Chinese viewed themselves as superior and these foreigners as less than civilized. This was integral part of Chinese thinking and was a major factor in the reasoning in the way China dealt with the West. According to Wakeman, the Chinese viewed themselves as superior to all other societies, he states, ?The Chinese did not stereotype all barbarians in a single undifferentiated category. They were acutely of the differences between Mongols khans....and Dutch merchants. But all barbarians were placed beneath the Chinese in an ideal world order of which their empire was the Central Kingdom? (pg. 111). This Chinese ?world order? has an extreme consequence later when western powers flooded into China. This view of superiority sets the tone for the relationship between China and the West. As England moved in to the Trade picture, represented by the East India Company, it would eventually bring opium. Opium was illegal in China and England regardless, imported it to balance trade. Opium became toxic to the economy of China, to its addicts, and to the framework of Chinese agrarian society (Wakeman pg. 127-128). This drug bled the silver out of China and destroyed the value of copper and the ability of peasants to pay their rent. The illegal importation of opium and the war over it, illustrated the extent the west was going to act over profit, China's perception of the west as barbarians, I feel clouded their perception and affected their decision over what to do about some critical decisions. Granted, opium was a serious problem, but even the most simplest of life forms, barbarians, can cause major problems. After China losing the Opium Wars, they marked the entrance of western imperialism into China with Treaty of Nanking. If China perceived the West as a real threat a nd not as a barbarian, why concede? The Treaty of Nanking was one of many known as ?unequal treaties? (Wakeman, pg. 137). The treaty was based on a policy of appeasement that gave the west a strangle hold in China. China was now dealing with the west on its terms and those terms would be granted to all other countries, this was known as the most-favored nation principle. China's defense was to deal with the West, ?Divide and rule? was breached (Wakeman 140). The Treaty of Nanking set an era of concessions, appeasement, and marked a beginning for resentment against the west. The
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Role of Thirunangai Essays
Role of Thirunangai Essays Role of Thirunangai Essay Role of Thirunangai Essay RolesOfWomen Women are equal to men that is one of the basics of human rights. What does this mean? Was there a time when men and women were not equal and what is it to be a woman. Women are viewed as girls, mothers, wives, grandmothers, relatives and friends. When a girl is born her room is often painted in pink and her cloths are the same colour. Pink is the light colour of red, the color of blood. This is because women have to reproduce and make children. Red has been a controversial colour during the Communist era because it was the emblem. Women are mothers. They bear there babies in their womb for no more than nine months. A woman can have multiple births and they get Women are equal to men that is one of the basics of human rights. What does this mean? Was there a time when men and women were not equal and what is it to be a woman. Women are viewed as girls, mothers, wives, grandmothers, relatives and friends. When a girl is born her room is often painted in pink and her cloths are the same colour. Pink is the light colour of red, the color of blood. This is because women have to reproduce and make children. Red has been a controversial colour during the Communist era because it was the emblem. Women are mothers. They bear there babies in their womb for no more than nine months. A woman can have multiple births and they get Women are equal to men that is one of the basics of human rights. What does this mean? Was there a time when men and women were not equal and what is it to be a woman. Women are viewed as girls, mothers, wives, grandmothers, relatives and friends. When a girl is born her room is often painted in pink and her cloths are the same colour. Pink is the light colour of red, the color of blood. This is because women have to reproduce and make children. Red has been a controversial colour during the Communist era because it was the emblem. Women are mothers. They bear there babies in their womb for no more than nine months. A woman can have multiple births and they get Women are equal to men that is one of the basics of human rights. What does this mean? Was there a time when men and women were not equal and what is it to be a woman. Women are viewed as girls, mothers, wives, grandmothers, relatives and friends. When a girl is born her room is often painted in pink and her cloths are the same colour. Pink is the light colour of red, the color of blood. This is because women have to reproduce and make children. Red has been a controversial colour during the Communist era because it was the emblem. Women are mothers. They bear there babies in their womb for no more than nine months. A woman can have multiple births and they get
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Selection and Role of Canadas Official Opposition
Selection and Role of Canada's Official Opposition In Canada, the official opposition is the political party with the second-highest number of seats in the House of Commons or a legislative assembly. Also known asà Her Majestys Loyal Opposition, representatives from the second-place political party serve the public by critiquing the majority partys proposals and actions. How a Party Becomes the Official Opposition Canada has numerous political parties. After an election, the leader of the political party with the most seats in the federal House of Commons is invited by theà governor-generalà to form the government. After being appointed by the governor-general, the leader of this party becomes the prime minister. The prime minister chooses the ministers and forms the Cabinet.à The other parties that are not in power are known as opposition parties. The opposition party with the most members of the House of Commons is the official opposition. For example, under this system, if the majority party in the most recent election was the Liberal Party, then the prime minister and the majority of representatives in the House of Commons would be members of the Liberal Party. If the Conservative Party received the second-highest number of votes in the most recent election, then the Conservatives would constitute the official opposition. Other parties receiving lesser percentages of the votes, such as the New Democratic Party, would comprise the rest of the opposition. The Official Oppositions Role in the Government Under Canadaââ¬â¢s parliamentary system, the basic function of the opposition is to oppose the government on a day-to-day basis. In this context, the opposition takes on an adversarial role,à criticizing government legislation and actions, as well as providing the public with alternative policies and proposals. In some cases, the opposition may even try to bring down the government by voting against government proposals, such as the annual budget.à The official opposition also maintains a shadowà Cabinet to critique the actions of the Cabinet ministers.à Value of the Official Opposition to Canadas Democracy The existence of the opposition is critical to the functioning of a parliamentary political system, such as Canadas.à In theory, the official opposition serves as a check on the majority governments power and control. This system of political opposition supports a healthy, vibrant democracy and creates trust in the ability of citizens to resolve differences by peaceful means. The presence of the opposition is based on the ideaà that the minority accepts the right of the majority to make decisions, as long as there is also respect for the minoritys right to disagree with the majority and propose its own solutions. Benefits of Being the Official Opposition The official opposition party usually receives better financial benefits, such as research funds, and procedural advantages over other opposition parties. The government provides the leader of the official opposition party with a residence, which is called Stornoway and is located in Ottawa.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Information Essay
Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Information - Essay Example The information is not just useful for the capital providers but also to the other user groups such as government, regulatory bodies etc. The next level of conceptual framework is the fundamental concepts i.e. qualitative characteristics of financial information and elements of financial statements. The third level is the implementation level, which contains recognition, disclosure and measurement concepts through principles, assumptions and constraints (Appendix 1). The qualitative characteristics of financial information are an important part of the total conceptual framework because they act as a bridge between the first level and third level of the framework. However, the definition of quality threshold of materiality and the conflicts between prudence and neutrality, and relevance and reliability has always been debated. In addition to the discussion of these constraints, this essay presents the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting 2010 provided by IASB as to how the new framework has placed these characteristics. ... The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting 2010 or commonly referred to as Framework 2010 states the objective of financial reporting that is to provide the financial information related to the reporting entity that can be helpful to investors and creditors in making appropriate decisions (McConnell, 2011). Therefore, in order for the financial information to be useful, it must possess some characteristics such as materiality, prudence, neutrality, relevance and reliability. An information is considered material if its misstatement, modification or omission can influence the economic decisions of the users, taken on the basis of that information. Materiality depends on the magnitude of the error in circumstances when the misstatement or omission has taken place. The financial statements are prepared in an uncertain environment due to many events such as useful life of fixed assets, collectability of doubtful receivables, and warranty claims. These uncertainties are recognized b y exercising prudence while preparing the financial statements. Prudence means making careful judgement in making estimates in the uncertain conditions, so that the income or assets are not overstated and expenses or liabilities are not understated (IASC Foundation and IASB, 2008, p.25). Neutrality means that the financial information should be free from any bias and does not influence decision making in order to achieve predetermined outcome. Financial information is useful if it has the quality of influencing decisions by helping the users in evaluation of past, future and present events related to the reporting entity. The past information regarding the financial position and performance is frequently used for predicting the future performance and position. Information is
Sunday, February 2, 2020
A Website Usability Test Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
A Website Usability Test - Coursework Example The most accepted and recognized methodology of identifying important usability issues with the end user remains usability testing with actual representatives. It is possible to evaluate how users respond when they try common responsibilities on the company site and site using face-to-face test session moderated using the purpose built usability testing stations (Ward, Shadle, and Mofield, 2008, p. 70). All through, the observer can supervise the usability session in other rooms that remain comfortable and serving as the observation centre. The portable usability testing kit allows people to carry out usability testing in their offices. It also includes field testing where the supervisor views users in action that remains the natural habitat and remote testing to widen the reach. Among many others benefits of usability testing include increasing the conversion rates of online conversion. In this case, using the example would be a banking client hiking submissions of loan application forms by fourteen percent from thirty-five percent in a period not exceeding one-and-a-half months. Secondly, usability testing supports online migration. Scholars would point at a tolling company reducing calls to its call centre by more than sixteen percent following successful implementation of various recommendations from the company. Usability testing plays part in increasing employee productivity. A company would for instance, increase work completion rate by employees from forty-eight percent to around.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Delay Aware Multipath Switching Zone Traversal (MSZT)
Delay Aware Multipath Switching Zone Traversal (MSZT) Delay Aware Multipath Switching Zone Traversal (MSZT) Approach for MANET Abstract Route discovery and data transmission in Mobile Ad-Hoc networks (MANETs) are the key procedures which influence the performance of the network. The data transmission through the discovered route with in minimum delay is considered as a major problem in the MANET. Hence this paper proposed an approach called Multipath Switching Zone Traversal (MSZT) approach to minimize average delay. In this approach, the broadcast has been converged to two zones after the initial broadcasting in order to minimize the broadcast delay. Based on the data size and the Time to Live (TTL), the data transmission is initiated via multipath or single path. Game theory approach (GTA) is a powerful mathematical tool for analyzing the strategic communications among several decision makers. Hence this paper utilizes the GTA for switching the path between inter-zonal and intra-zonal nodes for different source data to provide a successful data transmission. The simulation results show that the approach is efficien t in terms of delay, packet delivery ratio, and localization error when compared to the existing approaches. Keywords: Routing, MANET, MSZT, game theory approach, delay 1. Introduction A multi-hop wireless Ad hoc network (MANET) is composed of mobile nodes, which can communicate without any aid of centralized Infrastructure (T.Durga , 2015) The demand of different multimedia applications such as surveillance system and video on demand service over MANET has been increasing rapidly in recent years. However, it is not easy to support the data transmission according to the end-to-end delay requirements over MANETs. A number of routing protocols have been proposed for Ad hoc mobile networks to improve the QoS ((K.S.Dinesh , 2014). Most of the routing protocols use the minimum hop numbers as a metric of route cost while taking routing decisions. However they ignore the some important link capacity properties because of simplicity and ease of implementation. Each node in the network may have different traffic load and hence, nodes which have more active neighbors may experience more collisions (Rakesh Kumar, et, al., 2010). Uncertainly some of the over loaded nodes may fall on the minimum hop route, it may considerably introduce a longer delay, even though the number of nodes in the chosen route is minimum. In addition, if some of the over loaded nodes are congested; it may result in huge packet drop rates and consequent retransmission. This may increase the end ââ¬â to ââ¬â end delay between two end points. Thus in this paper Multipath Switching Zone Traversal (MSZT) routing approach has been proposed in order to reduce average delay. The approach reduces the number of broadcast after the initial broadcast in the network. Multipath data transmission is enabled based on the TTL and the data size. The game theory approach is used to switch the path between inter-zonal and intra-zonal nodes for different source data, which is a powerful mathematical tool. The path switching while during the data transmission provides a successful data transmission by checking the path availability. Thus this approach enhance the QoS demanded MANET applications The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the recent related work on the delay aware MANET. Section 3 describes the system model of the proposed Multipath Switching Zone Traversal (MSZT) routing approach. The explanation of the Multipath Switching Zone Traversal (MSZT) routing approach is presented in the section 4. Section 5 describes the simulation results. Finally, section 6 renders the conclusion 2. Related Work (Saad M. Adam, et, al., 2013) presents an reactive routing protocols overview in terms of QoS requirements in MANET. Due to the requirements has been fulfilled for the commercial, real-time, and multimedia applications in MANET. The delay has been considered as one of the important QoS metric to satisfy the application requirements. The delay optimization approach has been presented by the authors (Syed Jalal Ahmad, et, al., 2015) for multimedia application in MANET. The Knapsack algorithm is used for buffer management to maximize and minimize the in order and out order packets simultaneously. The buffer internals are exploited and the adjusting the buffer usage dynamically makes the node to transmit the packet in the preferred order to its successive nodes. The simulation results show that the approach transmits multimedia data packet without loss and in minimum delay. (K. Sasikala,et, al., 2014) proposed the finite state machine for queue and transmission management mechanism to minimize the packet delay time in MANET. Information about the delay for each data flow in the queue is maintained in a node. A timer is fixed to each flow in a node and it has been updated dynamically. Based on the nodes characteristics the queue is controlled to minimize the packet delay. (Obaidat, M, et, al., 2011) proposes a multipath routing protocol for MANETs. The protocol establishes the route, which having the lowest delays relied upon the communication of various layers. The performance of the protocol is compared with the AODV and AOMDV. (V. R. Budyal and S. S. Manvi, 2013) presents a clever agent based on-demand QoS routing methodology in MANET. The intelligent agent utilizes the neuro-fuzzy logic aided by Q-learning. The DSR protocol has been enhanced to discover all the multiple paths and the condition of the path from source to destination. The fuzzy membership function has been optimized by the software agents and if then rules are made to take decision in the system. A cross layer design is made for delay concerned Node Disjoint Multipath AODV in Ad Hoc Network by the author (GawasMahadev A, et,al., 2014). The channel and link information has been obtained by applying the cross layer design between the MAC and routing layer. The path status has been updated subsequently by concerning the lowest delay attained at each intermediate node. The protocol is compared with the AODV and NMDR and it perform better than the other two in terms of routing overhead and packet delivery ratio. 3. Multipath Switching Zone Traversal (MSZT) The Multipath Switching Zone traversal routing approach is proposed in this paper to minimize the average delay in the network. The approach is implemented after the initial broadcast from the source. The MSZT is composed of two parts such as route discovery and path switching. 3.1 Route Discovery During the initial broadcast the source node obtains the information about the location of the destination node by using the GPS service. After the initial broadcast, the source node divides its communication range into four equal zones for further broadcasting. The node broadcast the RREQ message through one or at most 2 zones, where the broadcast should be destination oriented zone based on the location information of the destination node. Only one node must be selected in each zone for forwarding the broadcast. Alike the source node, the forwarding node also divides its communication range into four equal zones and forward the broadcast in the same manner. The process will take place until the destination node is reached. Before the data transmission via the shortest path, the Expected Transmission Time (ETT) and the TTL value has to be estimated to enable multipath through the different zones in order of increasing the packet delivery factor (PDF). Expected Transmission Time (ETT) is the time taken for transmitting a data packet successfully to the destination. The ETT is estimated based on the data size of a packet. (1) Here ETX is the expected transmission count i.e. expected number of transmissions that a node needs to transmit a packet successfully to a neighbor. The ETX can be estimated as follows (2) Where dforward is the received probes from a A dreverse is the received probes from B Where t is the average time a single data packet requires to be delivered and the t can be estimated as follows (3) The maximum Time to Live (TTL) is a timer data part in the IP header which specifies RREQ packet life time before it is discarded (Cheng-Yuan Ho,et, al., 2007). All the RREQ fields in its route cache have been maintained in order to find the route minimum Time to Live (TTL) value after TTL time expires and the information about the TTL is available in the RREP packet. If the ETT is greater than the TTL, then the packets are fragmented and then the packet has been transmitted over the multiple paths. 3.2 Path Switching Algorithm based on the Game theory Approach Game theory is a mathematical tool for analyzing and estimating how a person behaves in strategic situations. The game is composed of three fundamental components: a set of players, a set of strategies, and a set of payoffs. Nodes (players) are the decision takers in the game. The strategies are the various options available to nodes such as (TTL, node availability) (Badr Benmammar, Francine Krief, 2014). At last the utility function (payoffs) make a choice of all possible outcomes for each player. The components of the proposed game theory approach are given in the table 1. Table 1Components of the proposed Game Theory Approach After each transmission, the next hop zonal node must update the path availability (zone availability) to its predecessor node. The competition is between the multiple paths available between the source nodes to the destination node. After each successful data transmission the payoff is considered such as the availability and the TTL in order to stay on the same path otherwise path is switched to the next highest probability value of the available path. For each available path a probability value is estimated and it is formulated as follows (4) Here the total hops is the number of hops in the path and the not available hops is the number of hop which is not available for next data transmission due to the reason ââ¬Å"the node is available for other source node in the networkâ⬠. This information is updated to the source after each successful transmission. The proposed path switching algorithm based on the game theory approach is shown in the figure 1. Figure 1 Path switching algorithm based on the game theory approach 5. Simulation Results The proposed Multipath Switching Zone Traversal (MSZT) routing approach make an effort to minimize average end to end delay to enhance the network performance. The NS2 simulation has been adopted to evaluate the performance of the MSZT approach and the simulation setup is shown in the table 2. The performance of the MSZT is compared with other existing approach such as Zone Tree Routing (ZTR), Path State Routing (PSR). The metrics used to measure the performance of the proposed approach are broadcast delay, localization error and packet delivery factor. Table 2 Simulation Setup A. Performance metrics Broadcast Delay: Broadcasting is the fundamental process where the probe transmission from the source to all other forwarding nodes to arrive at the destination. The broadcast delay is the difference between the packet receiving time (prt) by destination and the packet transmitted time (ptt) from the source node. (5) Localization Error: Localization error (LE) is accounted as a one of the performance metric in the scattered network and it yields the LE of a node. (6) Where EMax is the maximum LE (7) (8) Where a is the radius based on the communication range of node i in a network model and it can be determined as follows (9) Where N is the number of nodes A is the area of the network and is the connectivity order ie the number of neighbor nodes linked to the node i The average value of LE for a network can be determined as follows (10) Packet Delivery Factor Packet delivery factor is defined as the ratio of the number of packet arrived at the destinations to those transmitted data packets by the source. (11) B. Discussion In the proposed approach the broadcast delay has been minimized by converging the broadcasting to one or at most two zones. The nodes distance increases then the broadcast delay increases simultaneously. Figure 2 shows the broadcast delay concerning the distance. The broadcast delay attained by the proposed MSZT for 10 m distance is 15 ms, while the PSR and the ZTR incurred 16ms, 19ms. Figure2 Broadcast delay The localization is directed in our approach by broadcasting towards the destination oriented zones after the initial broadcast. The increase in distance between the nodes affects the localization error. Figure 3 shows the localization error concerned with the distance. The localization error attained by the proposed MSZT for 10 m distance is 2%, while PSR and ZTR attained 16%, 18%. Figure 3 Localization error The multipath switching algorithm in the proposed approach improves the packet delivery factor by considering the TTL and path availability. When the number of group (paths) involved in the data packet transmission increases then the packet delivery factor (PDF) will decrease. While in the proposed a minimum number of zones have been utilized than the existing methods in the network. Figure 4 shows the packet delivery considering the number of groups. For 2 groups the proposed approach MSZT acquired 0.94, while the PSR and ZTR incurred 0.91, 0.83. Figure 4 Packet Delivery Factor 6. Conclusion This paper proposes a Multipath Switching Zone Traversal (MSZT) routing approach for achieving a minimum average delay in a network. The number of broadcast has been converged to two zones after initial broadcast in order to minimize the broadcast delay. Multiple paths have been selected through different nodes presents in different zone. While during data transmission the TTL and the data size has been checked to provide a successful data transmission with minimum transmission delay. Furthermore a game theory approach based path switching algorithm has been proposed after each successful data transmission to improve the delay metric for each data transmission. The simulation results show that the proposed routing approach performs better than the existing approaches in terms of Localization error, broadcast delay and Packet delivery factor References 1.Syed Jalal Ahmada , V.S.K. Reddyb, A. Damodaramc and P. RadhaKrishnad, ââ¬Å" Delay optimization using Knapsack algorithm for multimedia traffic over MANETsâ⬠, Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, vol 42, issue 20, pages 6819-6827. 2. K. Sasikala, Dr. R. S. D. Wahidabanu, ââ¬Å" Adaptive packet scheduling technique to minimize the packet delay time in MANET by maintaining a Queue for each flow through FSM Mechanismâ⬠, Journal of Convergence Information Technology(JCIT), Vol 9, No 3, 2014. 3. Saad M. Adam , Rosilah Hassan, ââ¬Å"Delay aware Reactive Routing Protocols for QoS in MANETs: a Reviewâ⬠, Journal of Applied Research and Technology, Elsevier, vol 11, issue 6, pages 844-850, 2013. 4. 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R, Rodrigues, Joseph, ââ¬Å"A Cross-Layer Delay-Aware Node Disjoint Multipath Routing Algorithm For Mobile Ad Hoc Networksâ⬠, International Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, vol 6, issue 3, page 39, 2014. 11. K.S.Dinesh , ââ¬Å"Routing Overhead Reduction and Selection of Stable Paths in MANETâ⬠, International Journal of Inventions in Computer Science and Engineering (IJICSE), vol 1, issue 9, pages 2348-3539, 2014. 12. T.Durga , ââ¬Å"Maximizing the Network Lifetime by Using a Mobile Aware Topology Control Algorithm in MANETâ⬠, Journal of Recent Research in Engineering and Technology, pages 2349-2252, vol 2, issue 3, 2015. 13. Rakesh Kumar, Manoj Misra and Anil K. Sarje, ââ¬Å"A Simplified Analytical Model for End-To-End Delay Analysis in MANETâ⬠, International Journal Computer Application (IJCA), no 4, article 6, 2010.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development Essay
Healthââ¬â¢s purpose is to provide safe, sustainable, efficient, quality and responsive health services for all Queenslanders, and we have five core values that guide our behaviour: Caring for People: We will show due regard for the contribution and diversity of all staff and treat all patients and consumers, carers and their families with professionalism and respect. Leadership: We will exercise leadership in the delivery of health services and in the broader health system by communicating vision, aligning strategy with delivering outcomes, taking responsibility, supporting appropriate governance and demonstrating commitment and consideration for people. Partnership: Working collaboratively and respectfully with other service providers and partners is fundamental to our success. Accountability, efficiency and effectiveness: We will measure and communicate our performance to the community and governments. We will use this information to inform ways to improve our services and manage public resources effectively, efficiently and economically. Innovation: We value creativity. We are open to new ideas and different approaches and seek to continually improve our services through our contributions to, and support of, evidence, innovation and research. Purpose The Nurse Unit Manager is a registered nurse who is an expert practitioner accountable for the coordination of clinical practice and the provision of human and material resources for the BreastScreen Queensland Mackay Service. Staffing and budget responsibilities Line Management for nursing staff of BreastScreen Queensland Mackay Service Regular analysis and reporting of financial and quality performance activity. Your key responsibilities â⬠¢ Fulfil the responsibilities of this role in accordance with Queensland Healthââ¬â¢s core values, as outlined above. â⬠¢ Provide high-level clinical leadership and expertise to the nursing workforce in the delivery of evidence based, contemporary nursing practice, in accordance with the BreastScreen Queensland Program Policy and Standards and the BreastScreen Australia National Accreditation Standards. â⬠¢ Facilitate the coordination and management of client care during the screening and assessment pathway to ensure service delivery is ethical, efficient, effective, client focused and culturally appropriate. Maintain clinical data, undertake analysis of trends in client outcomes, and aid in the establishment of service benchmarks specific to the BreastScreen Queensland Program. Facilitate operational strategies for a work based culture that promotes and supports education, learning, research and workforce development by providing training and development opportunities for staff and participating in performance appraisal and development. â⬠¢ Active involvement in the implementation of National Accreditation Standards at Service Level to ensure Service meets performance indicators. â⬠¢ Participates in the development of a vision/strategy for the BreastScreen Service which is in line with the BreastScreen Queensland Program, District and Queensland Health direction and supports a supportive learning culture. Facilitates in collaboration with staff the implementation, monitoring and review of workplace instructions, guidelines and competencies as applicable. â⬠¢ Maintains current knowledge of professional practice standards and changes, and contributes actively to nursing development.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Essay on The Realistic Objectives of Henry VIIs Foreign...
The Realistic Objectives of Henry VIIs Foreign Policy According to the source, Henrys objectives were to ensure the security of his country and dynasty and to avoid foreign military intervention i.e. build up good relationships with neighbouring foreign powers. I also think that trade and prestige came into his objectives. Trade was important to him as it ensured the power of his country and, again, was important to Englands relationship with foreign powers. Also prestige was important for Henry, but more for himself than for the good of the country. Why was foreign military intervention a problem for Henry VII between 1485 and 1509? During Henry VIIs reign, he was very worried aboutâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦He was seeing a repeat of what had happened four years previously and, even though he had defeated Lambert Simnel, he could not be so confident that he would manage it again. The fact that Perkin Warbeck gained the support of James IV, Charles VIII and Maximilian Habsburg was what worried Henry the most. Again it was more a matter of the way other powers had responded to the pretender than Perkin Warbeck himself which posed a threat to Henry. When Perkin Warbeck invaded England in 1495 he was quickly captured by Henry and sentenced to death. But although Perkin Warbeck was dead, Henry was still worried by the fact that he had managed to get so much international support. Could he rely on his neighbouring foreign powers anymore? Foreign military intervention itself wasnt so much a problem for Henry: there were no large-scale invasions of England during his reign and for the most part he managed to avoid war altogether. But Henry was constantly worried about the threat of an invasion and pretenders like Perkin Warbeck and Lambert Simnel only served as irritants to make him even more worried and to show him that he didnt have the full support of important powers like France. One of his main purposes in life was to secure the throne for his future dynasty. Therefore the avoidance of foreign invasion was of theShow MoreRelatedFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words à |à 1056 PagesDemonstrating Comprehension: Questions for Review 51 Key Terms 51 52 HRM Workshop 49 Guarding Against Discrimination Practices 65 DID YOU KNOW?: Is a Problem Brewing? 66 Determining Potential Discriminatory Practices 66 The 4/5ths Rule 66 Restricted Policy 66 Geographical Comparisons 67 McDonnell-Douglas Test 67 Responding to an EEO Charge 67 Business Necessity 68 Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications 68 Seniority Systems 68 Selected Relevant Supreme Court Cases 69 Cases Concerning Discrimination
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
drug addiction - 1059 Words
Reseach Paper About Drug Addiction Introduction These days, drugs can be found everywhere, and it may seem like everyone s doing them. Lots of people are tempted by the excitement or escape that drugs seem to offer. But learning the facts about drugs can help you see the risks of chasing this excitement or escape. And just as there Premium4645 Words19 Pages Research Paper About Computer Addiction CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. Background of the study It is known that we are living in technological era. The computers become irreplaceable tool in everyday life of almost each person. The adult users generally use it for business purposes while youngsters for computer games Premium1433 Words6 Pages Drug Addiction, Disease or Choice Tiaâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Drug abuse can lead to addiction. ââ¬Å"Drug addiction involves the repeated and exce Premium1085 Words5 Pages Dino Research Paper Xet Adamson University 900 San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila ââ¬Å"Computer Gaming, Effects and causes to Study Habit.â⬠A Research Paper To English Communication Submitted by: Remuelle Jan P. Dino Submitted to : Prof. Alex V. Abelos 1st Semester 2010-2011 Introduction Computer Premium2070 Words9 Pages Drug Addiction Drug Addiction (Focus of the Study: ââ¬Å"Shabunganâ⬠at Brgy. Victoria Reyes, Dasmarià ±as, Cavite) Group No. Cuenca, Ma. Kristina B. Enon, Jane Loraine S. Tuban, Julie An Pelisco, Marvelous Salcedo, Yvette Laganzo, Ma. Riellyn Mae Austria, Gerald Mateo, Alyssa INTRODUCTION: Drug A Premium3834 Words16 Pages Contextual Conditioning of Drug Tolerance and Drug Addiction Contextual Conditioning of Drug Tolerance and Drug Addiction Research on the contextual conditioning of drug tolerance shows it is an important factor in understanding drug addiction in humans. Context is a way of noting that the likelihood of a behavior or response depends on certain conditions. C Premium1917 Words8 Pages Human Resource Management - Business Research Paper Human Resource Management - Business Research Paper In 1999, John B. Smith had become Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SMC. It was under his leadership that the company engaged in its negotiations to restructure and strive for a stronger balance sheet with a new focus onShow MoreRelatedDrug Addiction : Drugs And Heroin Addiction1130 Words à |à 5 PagesThe arguments for whether or not to prescribe heroin to treat heroin addictions are controversial. Henden and Baeroe (2015) state both sides of the arguments being that some believe ââ¬Å"it is in the nature of heroin addiction for individuals to lose their ability to resist their desire for heroin,â⬠which knowing the nature of chemical dependency, heroin addicts would not refuse any heroin, so it still possibly an invalid consent to research participation as they did not have a free choice to reallyRead MoreDrug Addiction : Drugs And Drugs Essay744 Words à |à 3 PagesWhen people first hear the word drug, they think of illicit drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine. They also think about the user and sometimes why they use. One thing that is overlooked by the public is the treatment programs that are available to drug users. There is a stigma in our society around drug use that is very negative. Many believe that people that do drugs do them just to do them and even if this is true in some cases, no one wakes up one morning and decides that today is the dayRead MoreDrug Addictions802 Words à |à 4 Pagesof the states, is facing drug problems. This state is considered one of the deadliest drug epidemics in American history. There are two types of drugs mentioned in the article. One of them is opioid. An opioid is a substitute for morphine and widely used. According to the statistics, 500 people had died from an overdose in 2005. In 2013, the numbers soared from 500 deaths to 2,700. Another drug(s) is known as synthetic opioids. Fentanyl and Carfentanil are the two drugs mention by Phil Plu mmer,Read MoreDrug Addiction3845 Words à |à 16 PagesDrug Addiction (Focus of the Study: ââ¬Å"Shabunganâ⬠at Brgy. Victoria Reyes, Dasmarià ±as, Cavite) Group No. Cuenca, Ma. Kristina B. Enon, Jane Loraine S. Tuban, Julie An Pelisco, Marvelous Salcedo, Yvette Laganzo, Ma. Riellyn Mae Austria, Gerald Mateo, Alyssa INTRODUCTION: Drug Addiction is a chronic disease affecting the brain, and just about everyone is different. It was also a condition that characterized by compulsive drug intake, craving and seeking despite what majority of societyRead MoreAddiction : Drugs And Addiction947 Words à |à 4 Pages Addiction is a problem thatââ¬â¢s very prevalent in our society. Considering that drugs and alcohol are being introduced to kids in middle school, this isnââ¬â¢t that surprising. We as a society constantly bombarded with talks about the ââ¬Å"war on drugsâ⬠and addiction. There are constant conversations about what should and shouldnââ¬â¢t be legal and what addiction really means. Is addiction in the head, or is it something a person chooses? Should we help or punish people with addictions. Everyone has opinion,Read MoreDrug Dependence And Addiction : Drugs1231 Words à |à 5 Pagesobvious assumption that drugs have an effect on the mind, but what exactly goes on and how do these substanc es affect your brain and change your state of consciousness? This is the question that interested me and brought me to want to write about this certain topic. Drugs alter the way people think, feel, and behave by disrupting neurotransmission, the process of communication between brain cells. Over the past few decades, studies have established that drug dependence and addiction are features of anRead MoreDrug Addiction and Drugs1219 Words à |à 5 PagesDrugs Addiction Miami Beach Senior High Ashley Gonzalez Ms. Cooper/Mr.Sussman English II-Period Three 06 March 2013 Drugs Addiction Topic and Thesis Statement Miami Beach Senior High Topic: Drugs Thesis Statement: In an examination of drugs I will discuss causes of this disease/or social dilemma. I will also discuss the effect of drugs on individuals, families and society. Read MoreDrug Dependence And Addiction : Drugs1231 Words à |à 5 Pagesobvious assumption that drugs have an effect on the mind, but what exactly goes on and how do these substances affect your brain and change your state of consciousness? This is the question that interested me and brought me to want to write about this certain topic. Drugs alter the way people think, feel, and behave by disrupting neurotransmission, the process of communication between brain cells. Over the past few decades, studies have established that drug dependence and addiction are features of anRead MoreThe Drug Of Drug Addiction Essay1270 Words à |à 6 Pagesmy older brother struggle with drug addiction has taught me more in my life than anything else. He was a smart kid with a good head on his shoulders. à As he grew older he made some unwise choices with regard to substance abuse that quickly turned into a full blown addiction lasting over five years and landed him in and out of four different rehabs. à He was striving to get clean, but every time he took one step forward he fell three steps back. à Taylor entered Drug Court, after finding himself inRead MoreDrug Addiction : Drugs And Drugs1017 Words à |à 5 Pages In todayââ¬â¢s society, it is now normal to know somebody who has a drug addiction especially to opiates. A dr ug addiction is a mental disorder that the person can no longer control their actions. The person addicted to the drug will no longer care about the outcome of their actions as long as they can get that high they are seeking. **from textbook pg. 303** ââ¬Å"Opioids are classified as narcotics- strongly addictive drugs that have pain relieving and sleep-inducing properties. Opioids include both naturally
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